Privacy policy

In providing you podiatry services as well as marketing our services and running our business, Griffith Foot Clinic collects, uses and discloses personal and business information. Griffith Foot Clinic recognises the importance of your privacy and understands your concerns about the security of personal information which gets provided to us.

Griffith Foot Clinic must comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”) as contained in the Privacy Act 1988. The APPs detail how personal information is collected, used, stored and destroyed and how an individual may gain access to personal information held about them.

This policy details how Griffith Foot Clinic manages personal information, sets out some of your privacy rights in relation to personal information, and advises how you can contact us with privacy queries. Our policy is not aimed at restricting the flow of business or business information, but simply ensuring your personal information is handled in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.

Collection of your personal information

Griffith Foot Clinic aim is to collect personal information that is necessary to perform the professional services you have contracted us to provide and to operate and market our clinic.

Personal information, as distinct from business information, is information, or an opinion, that identifies an individual, or from which a person’s identity could be ascertained.

The type of personal information collected will depend on the services you have asked us to provide, or may be interested in and may include full name and contact details, medical history and health insurance. If required to collect sensitive information for any reason, it will be only with your consent.

Your personal information may be held at the practice in various forms such as paper records, electronic records or visuals such as x-rays, CT scan or photos. If you do not provide us with personal information that we request, the consequence is that we may not be able to provide the services you require.

Griffith Foot Clinic may collect personal information directly from you if you use our services, post to the Griffith Foot Clinic social media community or through our website.

At the time personal information is collected or as soon as practicable, we will advise you of:

  • Our details and how to contact us;
  • The purpose for which the information is collected;
  • Details of how to access any information held about you;
  • The type of organisations to which we may disclose that information;
  • The legal and other consequences of you not providing the information (if any);

unless any of the above is obvious in the circumstances, or detailed on a collection form.

While we endeavour to collect personal information from you, in some instances we may also receive personal information about you from third parties. Where we receive personal information from third parties, we will contact you immediately and advise we hold this information and only with your consent will retain or use this information.

How do we use your personal information?

Griffith Foot Clinic may use your personal information to complete the services you have engaged us to complete and any related services we provide.

We may also use your personal information for related purposes that you would reasonably expect, such as providing you with details about other services offered by us. You can opt out of receiving this information at any time by notifying us.

Transfer of Information Outside of Australia

We will not send your personal information outside of Australia unless:

  • It is necessary to provide the services required; or
  • You have provided your consent; or
  • We believed on reasonable grounds that the organisation involved would only deal with your personal information in a similar manner to the requirements under the Australian Privacy Principles

Storage and security

Personal information is stored electronically, on paper, or both. Griffith Foot Clinic has physical, electronic and procedural safeguards for personal information as we are committed and take reasonable steps to protect the security of your personal information.

Data stored electronically is protected by both internal and external firewalls, and access to electronic records is limited by passwords. Only staff with a password have access to all information on the system and files can be designated read-only or no access. Passwords are required to be changed frequently to ensure security.

Data stored in paper form is stored within secure premises. Externally, the premises have several barriers to unauthorised entry including secured entry and monitored alarms. Internally, steps are taken to ensure access to personal information is limited, including filing within a secured office.

Griffith Foot Clinic uses secure methods to destroy or permanently de-identify your personal information as soon as the law permits, provided the information is no longer needed. Griffith Foot Clinic is required to hold all records for at least 7 years. Griffith Foot Clinic will retain personal information while it is required for any of its functions, or for any other lawful purpose.

Access and correction

It is your responsibility to ensure that the personal information you provide us is accurate and complete. We take reasonable steps to amend or correct this information to keep it up to date. You should notify us of any changes to your personal information.

You may also gain access to the personal information we hold about you and you may do this by putting your request in writing and sending it to Where we do not agree to provide you with details of personal information, we will give you reasons why.

You can opt-out of any communication

Griffith Foot Clinic may send communication via email or mail regarding information such as services provided, industry related information and/or billing information. This communication will contain clear instructions on how to opt out if you choose to be removed from any mailing list not essential to our services we are providing to you.

Privacy concerns or complaints

If you have any queries or concerns about your personal information, or would like to make a complaint regarding how we have handled your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer with full details of your complaint by:

Privacy concerns or complaints

You can contact us on (02) 6962 6885, email at or at the following address:

Griffith Foot Clinic.

82 Yambil Street,

Griffith NSW 2680

Updated: March 2018